For You, For Life | 715-833-6300
Meet Grant
Grant wanted to get a jump start on his career in high school.
There is no downside to it!
Grant was in eighth grade when he discovered CVTC’s Business Management program. His mom Shari was skeptical, and wanted to make sure he could make the transition to high school smoothly.
Grant was very interested in business and decided that the Business Management Academy, which offers a two-year associate’s degree while you are still in high school, was right for him. He began the program as a freshman and will finish as a senior. What led him to this mindset is how much time and money he can save and how many doors it will open in his future.
His mom says it has been a great thing for Grant. To see a 16-year-old taking college-level classes and absorbing it is amazing to her. She is proud of him taking this level of challenge and succeeding!
Grant would have taken many of the same classes in high school, but now will have an associate degree to show for it, and the group of students he has taken the classes with are his peers, so he still has the social aspect.
His instructors have been willing to help him learn and are very caring about his future. The courses transfer well to other institutions as he is looking at four-year business degrees where he can transfer in as a third-year student.
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Meet Cailey
Cailey needed more opportunities in high school so she could find what she loved.
// Read the Full StoryValuable
CVTC students earn their degree at a fraction of the cost of traditional four-year colleges.
94% of CVTC graduates are employed within 6 months of graduation.
Students graduate in two years or less for most programs.
Earn your Degree Faster
Career Exploration
An online career assessment is a great resource that is available to anyone. The career assessment will ask a series of questions and then match you to occupations, allow you to explore careers, and give you a list of CVTC programs that are a good fit for your interests.
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HS Academies
High School Academies are a series of courses that lead into a degree program. Academies are designed to meet high school needs with broad goals of offering program exploration, a recognized industry credential or embedded technical diploma, or up to a full semester of an associate degree program.
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are employed within
6 months after graduation
Percent of CVTC grads
that found a job in
their field of study
Percent of CVTC grads
that are employed
in Wisconsin