Is the Animal Science Management Program Right For You?

Is CVTC’s Animal Science Management program right for you? Let’s take a look at what you can expect and the opportunities available to you.
You Can Succeed
Are you a hard-working, responsible, and task-oriented person who likes to work outside in an active environment? Do you have an interest in the agriculture industry and like working with people and animals? CVTC’s Animal Science Management program might be the right choice for you to launch your career in agriculture.
Students who succeed in the program like to care for animals and be out-and-about, working with other people who have a passion for agriculture. But don’t think Animal Science Management is just for people who grew up on a farm with caring for livestock part of their daily lives. While most students in the program have had some exposure to agriculture and involvement in local FFA chapters, many successful students do not come from farm families.
What they all have in common is a passion for agriculture and a desire to work with others in the industry.
Opportunities abound
CVTC Animal Science Management graduates work in a wide variety of jobs, both on farms and at businesses and cooperatives that support farmers. Many work on farms as herd managers, taking care of the daily tasks associated with herds, including milking, vaccinations, breeding, assisting with calving, and monitoring livestock for health issues.
Others work as reproduction specialists, performing sales and service duties for companies and cooperatives right on the customers’ farms. CVTC Animal Science Management graduates also work on the nutrition end of animal science, consulting on nutrition and balancing diets for farmers with herds of varying sizes.
You’ll be in Demand
Local employers in the agriculture industry like to hire CVTC agriculture program graduates.
“They are ready to go,” said Joshua Schulner, location manager for Countryside Co-op, Durand, and himself a 1998 CVTC graduate. “I can have a student who has a commercial driver’s license and their sprayer’s license too. They are people who have been taught properly and are ready to work.”
Schulner says he hires about 10 CVTC graduates a year. “I’m hiring interns, too. They are going to have direct contact with the customers – boots on the ground.” Laura Reichert of Pioneer likes the soft skills CVTC graduates bring. “They are better able to understand variables, and are better able to serve the customers,” she said. “They are very personable and are able to talk to people, and that’s a very good skill to have.”
Ready to Get Started at CVTC? Apply online or call 715-833-6300 with questions.