Institutional Planning and Research

The Institutional Planning and Research (IPR) Department analyzes a variety of College and related data to provide information for planning and decision making at the administrative and program level. The IPR Department supports strategic planning, and academic program review, coordinates campus survey development, and coordinates in the Institutional Review Board (IRB) process at the College.

Fact Book

This document contains general information about CVTC as well as a wide variety of information on students and programs.

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Graduate Follow-up Report

These reports provide data from CVTC program graduates related to employment.

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​Institutional Review Board

This board reviews research projects which involve human subjects to ensure that standards are upheld.

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CVTC Student

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The CVTC Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews research projects which involve human subjects to ensure the following broad standards are upheld:

  • the rights and welfare of the individual(s) involved are protected
  • appropriate methods are used to secure consent
  • any risks involved with the investigation are balanced by the benefits

There are three types of review methods:

Exempt from Review

There are specific criteria defined by the US Department of Health and Human Services that qualify a research project for exemption from review by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). The determination of whether a research project is exempt cannot be made by the Principal Investigator; it must be made by CVTC's IRB. These categories include research conducted in commonly accepted educational settings, using existing data and the use of educational tests. For a complete list and description of each of these exempt categories, please see the Criteria for Exemption description.

Expedited Review

Expedited review covers research that involves only minimal risk procedures (for example, the study of individual or group behavior in which the behavior is not manipulated and the subjects are not exposed to any stressful situation, removal of dental plaque, moderate exercise by normal volunteers). For a complete list and description of each of these expedited categories, please see the Criteria for Expedited description.

Full Committee Review

Research involving more than minimal risk to the participant requires review by the full IRB. Full review covers all research that is not specifically suited for "expedited review" or "screened as exempt from review." For a complete list and description of each of these full committee categories, please see the Full Committee Review description.

Contact Information

If you have questions or would like to complete an IRB application, please contact Lexis Michels at

Institutional Review Board Committee

Dr. Shamus Funk (Physical Science Instructor)

Dr. Carmen Iannarelli (Social Science Instructor)

Dr. Marian Smith (Communication Skills Instructor)

Dr. Jeff Sullivan (Dean of Skilled Trades & Engineering)

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