High School Staff

As high school counselors, administration, & staff, you are an incredibly valuable resource to CVTC. We have created this page to equip you with the information and resources you need to connect potential students to CVTC. Scroll below for information on:

Start College Now

Formerly known as Youth Options, this program allows high school juniors and seniors to take approved courses at CVTC that count toward high school graduation and college credit.

Learn More

High School Contract

This program is an agreement between CVTC and the school that allows your students to earn their HSED at CVTC in lieu of attending high school.

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High School Dual Credit Academies

CVTC now offers Dual Credit Academies – a series of courses which lead into a degree program.

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Dual Credit Options

CVTC offers Transcripted Credit and Advanced Standing agreements with high schools that allow students to take classes for college credit at their school.

Learn More

Disability Accommodations

Download forms needed to document a disability to receive services at CVTC.

Learn More

High School Career Tours

Sign up your students to attend a tour to learn more about CVTC.

Learn More

Advanced Placement Exam

CVTC will award transfer credits to students who have met certain AP exam scores.

Learn More

CVTC Student

​Annual Report

This report provides a summary of the programs and activities that were offered throughout the year along with the number of students served.

View the 2023-2024 report
View the 2022-2023 report
View the 2021-2022 report.

​Search CVTC Courses

Search the college's current course offerings.

Search Courses

​CVTC Entrance Requirements

View details on the entrance requirements for admittance to CVTC.

View Requirements

Get Started

An application packet MUST contain:

  • Start College Now Application
  • CVTC Supplemental Data
  • Verification of Registration Eligibility

The High School Counselor will be notified if the applications are approved for registration dates, expectations, and events.

Student should get applications to their high school counselors prior to March 1 for the fall semester and October 1 for the spring semester.

CVTC needs the applications prior to June 1 for the fall semester and prior to December 1 for the spring semester.

Start College Now for High Schools

Start College Now, formerly known as Youth Options, allows public high school juniors and seniors who meet certain requirements to take courses at CVTC. Approved courses count toward high school graduation and college credit. The school board must pay for any course (including tuition, books and fees) that is taken for high school credit and that is not comparable to a course offered in the school district. Your students are eligible if the student has completed 10th grade with good academic standing, met any course prerequisites, has written approval from a parent or guardian, and has no history of disciplinary problems.

School Board Expenses

  • ​The school board must pay for any course that is taken for high school credit and that is not comparable to a course offered in the school district.​
  • The school board must pay for the cost of any books and fees for all approved courses and materials for students attending an IHE. The school board may expect the return of books and materials in a usable form.​

Student Expenses

  • A student must pay for any post-secondary course taken that is comparable to a course offered at the school district.
  • A student must pay for incidental college fees (such as a parking permit) and for equipment, tools, supplies and consumables (notebooks, workbooks, uniforms) which will become the property of the student.​
  • A student must pay for a post-secondary course that is not used for high school credit.​

High School Contract

Josh Blaeser, (715) 852-1309, jblaeser2@cvtc.edu

​The High School Contract program is an agreement between CVTC and your school that allows your students to earn their HSED at CVTC in lieu of attending high school. If you are a high school principal or counselor and have a student at your school that is at risk of not graduating, the CVTC High School Contract program might be a good alternative.

  • Students must be at least 17 years of age and their class must not have graduated  
    (if their class has graduated, please refer them to the adult GED/HSED program).
  • Students must have at least an eighth grade reading level, which will be assessed at orientation.​
  • The High School Contract program is offered online and is open to all school districts.

Schedule an Orientation​

Your student must attend one of our orientation sessions to learn more about the program. Students under 18 must have a parent or guardian present.

Set Up a Contract

A contract must be setup between the high school and CVTC on behalf of the student.​

​Attend HSED Classes

Students must attend 15 hours per week until they are put on reduced contract.

Class Schedule

Please Note: The class is now held virtually, which will require students have an in-home internet connection.

Monday & Tuesday

8:30 AM - 2:30 PM  
Held Virtually on Zoom Classroom


8:30 - 11:30 AM  
Held Virtually on Zoom Classroom

Disability Accommodations

Disability accommodations are provided through CVTC's Diversity Resources department. Our staff will work with the student and the appropriate stakeholders to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations to eligible students with documented disabilities. Accommodations may include classroom accommodations, testing accommodations, assistive technology, adaptive equipment, interpreting, and/or real-time captioning. To receive academic accommodations, students may elect to have a medical provider complete the "Documentation of Disability" form. In addition, the use of a current IEP or 504 plan will serve as appropriate documentation, in lieu of the "Documentation of Disability​" form.​

Questions? If you have questions about academic accommodations for students, please contact our staff at diversity@cvtc.edu or at 715-833-6234.​

Disability Documentation

Documentation of Disability​​​​

Disability Services for High School Academy Students​​​​​​

Dual Credit Options

High School Academies

High School Academies are a series of courses that lead into a degree program. Academies are designed to meet high school needs with broad goals of offering program exploration, a recognized industry credential or embedded technical diploma, or up to a full semester of an associate degree program. High School Academies can be offered at a CVTC campus or at the high school location. Academies may include any combination of Transcripted Credit or Youth Options course sections.

Learn More About High School AcademiesDownload the High School Academies Snapshot

Transcripted Credit

Transcripted credit courses are CVTC course that are taught in high schools by certified high school teachers using the technical college competencies and grading scale. Students who choose to enroll in a transcripted credit course will earn both high school and college credit simultaneously.

You can become certified to teach Transcripted Credit courses in your high school if you meet both the current DPI licensing requirements and the certification requirements of the Higher Learning Commission and Wisconsin Technical College System.

View all Transcripted Credit Courses

Transcripted Credit Documents

Advanced Standing

Advanced Standing agreements allow students to request credit for certain courses that have an articulation agreement established. High School courses must have an 80% competency match and students must receive a "B" or better in order to receive credit.

Key Points to Consider

  • Student receive high school credit immediately, but only receive college credit upon admission
  • Credits do not transfer out of WTCS System

View all Advanced Standing Courses


Transcripted Credit


Advanced Standing

Competency match to CVTC




Student receives high school credit




Student receives college credit immediately



Student receives complementary college transcript



Credits transfer out of WTCS



CVTC provided curriculum



High School Career Tours

Our Career Tours allow you to spend over two hours on campus. After an overview of life at a technical college, you'll choose a tour group that will tell you about your program of interest, allow you to visit classrooms and labs, meet our instructors, and talk with our students.

​Ready to Register?

Please select a tour group and email the following information to TheRightChoice@cvtc.edu:

  • Group organizer’s name
  • School or agency name  
  • Organizer’s contact information (phone & email address)
  • Participant information
  • Tour group (for each participant)

Register for a Career Tour​


If you have questions about Career Tours or would like to register over the phone, please contact us at 715-833-6300 or TheRightChoice@cvtc.edu.

students getting out of buses

​Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

Advanced Placement (AP) exams are administered by The College Board after a course of study in high school. In order for credit to be awarded, students must be admitted to a program at Chippewa Valley Technical College, an official score report must be sent to the Registration and Records Office, and the equivalent course must fulfill a graduation requirement. CVTC will award transfer credits for the following AP exams:

Exam TitlePassing ScoreCVTC CourseCredits

AP Exam: BiologyPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 806-201, Principles of BiologyCredits: 4

AP Exam: Calculus ABPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 804-236, Calculus & Analytic Geometry 1Credits: 5

AP Exam: Calculus BCPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 804-240, Calculus & Analytic Geometry 2Credits: 5

AP Exam: ChemistryPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 806-134, General ChemistryCredits: 4

AP Exam: ChemistryPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 806-245, Principles of Gen Chemistry 1Credits: 5

AP Exam: Computer Science PrinciplesPassing Score: 3CVTC Course: 152-118, Intro to Computers & ProgrammingCredits: 3

AP Exam: English Language & CompositionPassing Score: 3CVTC Course: 801-136, English Composition 1Credits: 3

AP Exam: English Language & CompositionPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 801-219, English Composition 1Credits: 3

AP Exam: English Literature & CompositionPassing Score: 3CVTC Course: 801-136, English Composition 1Credits: 3

AP Exam: English Literature & CompositionPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 801-204, Introduction to LiteratureCredits: 3

AP Exam: Environmental SciencePassing Score: 3CVTC Course: 806-286, Environmental ScienceCredits: 4

AP Exam: Human GeographyPassing Score: 3CVTC Course: 809-102S, Social Science ElectiveCredits: 3

AP Exam: MacroeconomicsPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 809-292, Principles of MacroeconomicsCredits: 3

AP Exam: MicroeconomicsPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 809-291, Principles of MicroeconomicsCredits: 3

AP Exam: Physics BPassing Score: 3CVTC Course: 806-143, College Physics 1Credits: 3

AP Exam: Physics BPassing Score: 3CVTC Course: 806-154, General Physics 1Credits: 4

AP Exam: Physics BPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 806-276, Principles of General Physics 1Credits: 5

AP Exam: Physics CPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 806-280, General Physics 2Credits: 4

AP Exam: Pre-CalculusPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 804-224, College AlgebraCredits: 4

AP Exam: PsychologyPassing Score: 3CVTC Course: 809-198, Introduction to PsychologyCredits: 3

AP Exam: PsychologyPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 809-251, General PsychologyCredits: 3

AP Exam: StatisticsPassing Score: 3CVTC Course: 804-189, Introductory StatisticsCredits: 3

AP Exam: StatisticsPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 804-230, StatisticsCredits: 4

AP Exam: U.S. History Passing Score: 4CVTC Course: 803-211, U.S. History to 1877 OR 803-212, U.S. History 1877-PresentCredits: 3

AP Exam: United States Government & PoliticsPassing Score: 3CVTC Course: 809-122, Intro to American GovernmentCredits: 3

AP Exam: United States Government & PoliticsPassing Score: 4CVTC Course: 809-227, American GovernmentCredits: 3

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