Due to inclement weather conditions, all CVTC classes and services will be virtual on Tuesday, January 21. All CVTC campus buildings, including the dental clinic, salon, and restaurant, will be closed. Learn more about remote classes and services at cvtc.edu/alerts.

Is the Entrepreneurship Program Right For You?

Is the Entrepreneurship Program Right For You?

Students in classroom

Is CVTC’s Entrepreneurship program right for you? Let’s take a look at what you can expect and the opportunities available to you.

You Can Succeed

It takes more than just having a solid business plan and some good fortune that leads someone to succeed in starting their own business. It takes a certain kind of person with specific knowledge and lots of passion to succeed. CVTC can help you find those qualities within yourself and provide you with the information you need.

Entrepreneurs are calculated risk-takers who understand that starting a business involves some risk, but also understand that learning and planning can help minimize and manage risk. Successful entrepreneurs are action-oriented people who know that success isn’t going to happen by accident. They take the actions necessary to bring success their way. Entrepreneurs want to constantly learn and improve, realizing that stagnation leads to failure.

If you are someone who has these qualities and a passion for success, CVTC’s Entrepreneurship program can put you on the path toward achieving your goals.

Opportunities Abound

Opportunities for start-up businesses to succeed are everywhere; it’s a matter of seeing them and taking advantage of them. According to the Small Business Administration, there were more than 30.2 million small businesses in the United States in 2018, making up over 99 percent of all businesses. Even well-known big businesses started out small. We can help you find, refine and plan your business idea.

You Can Find Support

An important part of the CVTC Entrepreneurship program is helping students develop a support network. You’ll work with mentors who will share their experiences and insights at critical moments of your journey. And help from CVTC doesn’t stop when the classes are over. CVTC offers after-graduation workshops to help you grow your business. CVTC’s Business & Industry Services department has a wide variety of training programs for both workers and leadership to help you improve your business.

Numerous community resources, from economic development organizations to chambers of commerce, state agencies, and networking groups are available. We’ll help you find the ones that are a good fit for you.

  Ready to Get Started at CVTC? Apply online or call 715-833-6300 with questions.

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