Due to inclement weather conditions, all CVTC classes and services will be virtual on Tuesday, January 21. All CVTC campus buildings, including the dental clinic, salon, and restaurant, will be closed. Learn more about remote classes and services at cvtc.edu/alerts.

Voices of the Valley: Meet Edith Buitrago

Voices of the Valley: Meet Edith Buitrago

Image: Voices of the Valley: Meet Edith Buitrago

From: Colombia, Current City: Menomonie

It was a day very special for me and my family. All was prepared for a welcome. From a beautiful room to a sweet sweeter pink color. The room had walls with specials colors and in the door a decoration that had the name of Lucía. The day more special for me have been and always it. The birth of Lucía.

On Monday, at 4:00 am, my mother, my sister and me got up and we got ready to go to the clinic. We arrived at the clinic I had a big backpack with everything pink color. We were very excited and we already wanted to know the new baby. The nurse asked me some questions, she prepared me for the surgery. I was very scared and excited many emotions in this moment. At 7:35 am I heard a baby’s cry, the doctor told me, “Congratulations for the birth!” In this moment I thought that nothing made me more happy. I wanted to see her soon, to know her and give her many kisses.

The doctor told me that my baby had a weight of 6.5 lbs. and a height of 20.47 in. The nurse dressed my daughter like a princess all pink. They moved from the surgery room to recovery. I was on a stretcher and my daughter was in an incubator. The nurse allowed my mother to see my daughter, she was very happy, it was an awesome moment. She had her granddaughter between her arms, she called her my Lucía. After my sister saw the baby, all the family wanted to know the new member of the family. Lucía had a beautiful face her skin was like a peach all soft. Her cheeks were pink, her brown eyes and a little nose. She had little bit of black hair.

For me, this was the most wonderful thing in my life.

English Language Learning at CVTC

Now is the perfect time to learn the English language. Our services and friendly staff are available virtually to support your personalized educational goals. Get started today.

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