English Language Learning

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English Language Learning (ELL)

Free morning, afternoon, and evening English Language Learning classes are available in person or online. Classes are offered at the Eau Claire Business Education Center, Menomonie Campus, and River Falls Campus. All campuses will have online class options. View the latest class schedules.

  Now Is the perfect time

to learn the English language. Our services and friendly staff are available virtually to support your personalized educational goals. To get started with these FREE english language learning classes, call 715-831-7278 to discuss your personalized options.

Getting Started

To get started you need to attend an orientation session. At these sessions you will receive information about our classes, receive registration information, and take the TABE CLAS-E Assessment, which will assess your knowledge of the English language.

Important Information:

  • Register for your orientation in advance by contacting the Adult Education and College Prep Campus near you.
  • You are welcome to bring an English speaker with you to assist with interpretation.
  • There is no fee to take the TABE CLAS-E test or to attend ELL classes.

Contact Adult Education & College Prep

Eau Claire    
620 W. Clairemont Ave.    
Eau Claire, WI 54701    
Room 111    
(715) 831-7278

// Email Us

Chippewa Falls    
770 Scheidler Road    
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729    
Room 102    
(715) 738-3845

// Email Us

403 Technology Drive E.    
Menomonie, WI 54751    
Room 103    
(715) 233-5345

// Email Us

River Falls    
500 S. Wasson Lane    
River Falls, WI 54022    
Room 100    
(715) 426-8227

// Email Us

Voices of the Valley

Students in the English Language Learner program at CVTC come from all over the world.

Some made the journey for economic purposes, others came to be with family, while still more travelled here to find refuge and a new start after war or political conflict made it unsafe to remain where they were. Now, they all work together to learn the language that will help them connect to their new home through classes in River Falls, Menomonie, Eau Claire, and online.

Learn more and read student stories




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