Online Learning

Take Classes When & Where It's Best for You

Your education is important to you, but so is your time. CVTC wants to work with you to make sure you can achieve all your educational goals.

That’s why CVTC offers several programs completely online – seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Whether you need to sneak in some coursework between shifts, finish up a paper once the kids are in bed, or complete a lesson on the weekend, CVTC’s online programs allow you to learn at a time and location that is best for you. You can earn your degree on your schedule, on your terms, online!

What Does Online Learning Look Like?

Online learning at CVTC means you can learn when and where it’s convenient for you; all you need is a computer and Internet connection. The program courses are the same, instructors still set deadlines and office time, and you learn the same skills as a face-to-face class. Most communication between you and your instructor will take place via email, but phone calls and WebEx chats can occur as well.

Our online learning method can be used to complete a technical diploma or associate degree, or take a single course online. Just like traditional courses, online classes range from 8-16 weeks and require about the same time commitment per week.

Ready to Get Started?

If you are ready to become a CVTC student, start the admission process now!

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We will never share or sell your information outside of CVTC. We may, on occasion, contact you regarding relevant services, events, and materials. You may opt out at any time. View our privacy policy to understand how we collect and use your information.


Online Learning for Real Life

Whether you need to sneak in some coursework between shifts, finish up a paper once the kids are in bed, or complete a lesson on the weekend, CVTC’s online programs allow you to:

  • Learn at a time and location that is convenient for you.
  • Get the same high quality education as in a face-to-face setting.
  • Access the help desk for technology support when needed.
  • Save on fuel and avoid inclement weather conditions.

CVTC Support Services

Whether you’re taking courses face to face or online, the CVTC staff is always here to support you. With available IT Help Desk, Advising, and Student Central team members, you can earn your CVTC degree on your schedule, on your terms, online.

Student service person helping adult student at computer

Returning to Learning

Find your way through college as an adult. Entering college as an adult can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. CVTC provides one-on-one transition support to help you return to learning with FREE resources. We’ll help you connect with community-based organizations and a Veteran’s Benefits Specialist to determine if you qualify for financial support. Learn how you can get college credit for previous knowledge or work experience.

// Learn about returning to learning

Adult female student smiling in front of library books

Credit for Prior Learning

CPL grants college credit toward an associate degree or technical diploma for knowledge or skills you have gained that directly relate to your program. Previous knowledge and skills may be the result of work or volunteer experiences, certifications, apprenticeships, military training, extensive self-instruction, or professional development. Credit for Prior Learning affords you the opportunity to accelerate the completion of your educational goals.

// Learn about credit for prior learning

Female student working at computer

IT KnowledgeBase

The IT KnowledgeBase is a platform that serves as a central location for storing and maintaining knowledge. The KnowledgeBase contains a wide variety of searchable information, including technical documents, directions, policies, and procedures. Because the KnowledgeBase is hosted online, it can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

// Browse the KnowledgeBase

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