CVTC releases new Open RN textbooks for nursing students

Friday, October 25, 2024

CVTC releases new Open RN textbooks for nursing students

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Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) is excited to announce the release of new Open RN textbooks designed to provide accessible, high-quality learning materials for nursing students. The latest offerings include Medical Terminology, 2e and Nursing Health Alterations. Additionally, the highly anticipated Nursing Health Promotion textbook will launch in January 2025.

These textbooks are part of the Open RN series, which aims to eliminate financial barriers for students by offering free, openly licensed resources. The adoption of these materials aligns with CVTC’s commitment to student equity and academic success, especially for those balancing tight budgets and personal responsibilities. 

“Our mission is to ensure that students have access to essential textbooks and learning activities from day one without the financial burden of expensive materials,” said Kim Ernstmeyer, CVTC Project Director for Open RN. “By focusing on freely accessible resources, students can concentrate fully on their studies and ultimately provide high-quality care to their communities.”

With the use of Open Educational Resources (OER), CVTC has already generated significant savings—over $4 million for students in the 2023-2024 academic year. These savings demonstrate the impact of replacing traditional textbooks with no-cost, high-quality alternatives, positively affecting retention and completion rates.

The latest additions to the Open RN series provide comprehensive support across essential nursing topics:

  • Medical Terminology, 2nd Edition: Contains updated content to reflect frequently-used medical terms with audio pronunciations and examples of real-world usage in medical situations and procedures.

  • Nursing Health Alterations: Discusses medical and nursing care of clients experiencing common health conditions across the life span. Brief video overviews of each condition are provided as well as interactive case studies and simulations to help students prepare for their national licensure exam. 

  • Nursing Health Promotion (Available January 2025): Focuses on wellness and supporting healthy lifestyle choices for individuals of all ages. It includes topics such as nutrition, preventative care, reproductive issues, maternal, newborn, and pediatric care, family dynamics, and mental health conditions.

“These resources will benefit thousands of students, reinforcing the Open RN project’s global reach with more than three million users at over 100 institutions accessing its textbooks worldwide,” said Gina Petrie, CVTC Dean of Nursing. “CVTC invites faculty, students, and institutions to explore these new learning opportunities as part of its broader efforts to foster affordable education.”

To view these textbooks, or for more information about Open RN, visit

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