Need to feed: CVTC colleagues pack food for the hungry

Monday, April 11, 2022

Need to feed: CVTC colleagues pack food for the hungry

Image: Need to feed: CVTC colleagues pack food for the hungry

Karen Jubie, a communication instructor with Chippewa Valley Technical College in River Falls, gathered nine other instructors and staff members to pack food into bags recently for Feed My Starving Children – an organization that sends food to those in need.

It doesn’t take much to get Karen Jubie to gather the troops, especially when it means volunteering to feed those in need.

Jubie, a communication instructor at Chippewa Valley Technical College in River Falls, combined the college’s call for instructors and staff to give back in the CVTC Cares program with her innate need to help whenever she can.

She coordinated for 10 CVTC River Falls colleagues to volunteer their time filling bags with food during a Feed My Starving Children event in nearby Eagan, Minn.

“We were energized. And we did it for a good cause,” Jubie said.

Feed My Starving Children is an organization that utilizes volunteers from throughout the United States to pack rice and other food to send to people in need. The organization has permanent packing locations throughout the United States and has sent food to 107 countries since its inception in March 2009. In 2021 alone, 55 countries have been served by the donations of food packed by people like Jubie and the group from CVTC.

According to Feed My Starving Children, millions of children die every year from preventable causes such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and undernutrition. Hunger causes nearly half of deaths in children under 5 years old. From this data, it is estimated that at least 6,200 children die each day from causes related to undernutrition.

“Food insecurity is really a passion project for many of us,” Jubie said of the group. “It’s a huge need, not just around the world, but in our own community, too.”

Jubie said for their next volunteer endeavor, they plan to look for opportunities in the River Falls area.

For more information about Feed My Starving Children, visit Home : Feed My Starving Children (

CVTC Cares Program
Chippewa Valley Technical College instructors and staff are encouraged to give back to their communities through the CVTC Cares program, which provides employees with the opportunity to further impact the college’s students, facilities, services and communities CVTC serves by donating “time, talent or treasure.” The college’s 2022 goal is to record 4,000 volunteer hours, provide 40 talents or skills and invest $40,000 to communities throughout the college’s 11 counties.

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