Welcome to the Healthcare Simulation
Meet the Patient
Directions: Follow a patient through the health care system. Allied Health and Nursing programs will show how each healthcare team member interacts with a patient and each other as the patient enters the system beginning with the initial injury all the way to recovery.
Scenario: The patient is Jerry Montana. He is a 46 y/o male who was on a snowmobile ride with friends when he hit a deer. His friends called 911 immediately. EMS arrives at the scene for transport and finds him unconscious with a possible left femur fracture. He becomes unstable en route to the hospital, so a breathing tube is placed. The hospital has the trauma team waiting in the ED for his arrival. The scene starts as EMS rolls the patient into the room and gives a report to the trauma team.
Scenario: The patient is Lucy McGuire. She is a 46 y/o female who was on a snowmobile ride with friends when she hit a deer. Her friends called 911 immediately. EMS arrives at the scene for transport and finds her unconscious with a possible left femur fracture. She becomes unstable en route to the hospital, so a breathing tube is placed. The hospital has the trauma team waiting in the ED for her arrival. The scene starts as EMS rolls the patient into the room and gives a report to the trauma team.
Scenario: Dylan is a local college student who injured himself while on his way to meet his friends for dinner. Dylan has reported significant pain in his right ankle from “stepping off the curb wrong.” Dylan’s friends have also indicated that he hit his face on the curb when he fell and is showing signs of a concussion.
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Phone: 715-833-6300
CVTC Health Education Center
615 W. Clairemont Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
CVTC River Falls Campus
500 South Wasson Lane
River Falls, WI 54022
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