Rent a Room at the CVTC Emergency Service Education Center
Located on Eau Claire’s West Side, the Emergency Service Center offers a variety of rooms to rent, including a driving range, commons area, classrooms, and specialty and computer labs.
Fill out a Room Reservation Inquiry or please contact:
Jackie Blum: 715-855-7521
Please contact:
Jackie Blum: 715-855-7521
* Denotes web conferencing functionality
Room Name Room Number Rate Minimum
Student Commons ESEC 150 $75/hr 8 hrs
Flood House $500/day 1 day
Flood House (Municipalities Only) $60/hr 1 hr
Flood House & RCU Building (Municipalities Only) $100/hr 1 hr
Simulation Building $100/hr 4 hrs
Simulation Building (Municipalities Only) $25/hr $100/day max
Conference Room ESEC 118B $40/hr 1 hr
Standard Classroom $25/hr 2 hrs
Computer/Specialty Lab $60/hr 2 hrs
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