Program Requirements

Program Requirements

Diesel Technician

Technical Diploma  |  32-412-1

Start Dates: August

Effective: August 2025

First Semester

Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments

412-305Chassis I51st 8 Weeks | Program student; Corequisite: 412-306This course will introduce the student to the diesel/heavy duty truck repair business. Vehicle safety, driving practices, truck servicing, and wheel end repair, along with hydraulic brakes, air brakes, and air brake systems will be the subject material. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

412-306Chassis II52nd 8 Weeks | Corequisite: 412-305This course will study front-end geometry, alignment, steering, and suspensions as it pertains to light- and heavy-duty trucks. Also studied will be clutches, drivelines, coupling, and 5th wheel operation. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

412-345Basic DC Electricity2Program studentThis course introduces the student to DC electrical and electronic circuitry as it applies to heavy-duty trucks. The course will focus on characteristics of electricity, series circuits, parallel circuits, soldering, Ohm's Law, meter usage/application, and relay operation. These skills will be practiced on training boards in a controlled lab setting. A digital volt/Ohm meter is required by each student in this course.

412-360Diesel Fundamentals1Corequisite: 412-305, 412-306, 412-345Diesel Fundamentals is an introduction to shop safety and common shop practices utilized in the diesel industry, and the Diesel Technician program. Students will learn proper shop procedures, safety practices, tool usage, and service manual usage. The skills learned by the students will be directly applied during the Diesel Technician program and throughout their career.

442-316Related Welding for Diesel2Program studentThe purpose of this course is to help the students acquire the basic welding skills in oxyacetylene welding, Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), and Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). It is a hands-on self-paced learning environment to learn basic welding skills and safe welding practices.

801-357Applied Written/Job Seek Comm1This course emphasizes the importance of effective workplace writing and the practical components of job-seeking skills. Students will acquire practical, business-related skills through reading, writing, revising, and grammar exercises. Additionally, they will polish a resume, practice their interview skills, explore a company's background, assess and refine their personal career goals, and establish a purpose for writing in their career field.


Second Semester

Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments

412-307Chassis Electrical5412-306; Corequisite: 412-308, 412-309This course will study all aspects of electrical systems found on heavy-duty trucks. Battery testing, lighting, starting, charging, in-dash controls, schematic interpretation, and troubleshooting techniques using a digital multi-meter will be practiced. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

412-308Mechanical Gear Trains4412-306; Corequisite: 412-307, 412-309This course introduces the student to rear axle, power divider, and manual transmission concepts. The student will study gear ratios, gear types, gear train configurations, failure analysis, standard servicing requirements, and practice the rebuilding techniques for each major brand. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

412-309Heavy Duty HVAC3Program student; 412-306; Corequisite: 412-307, 412-308This course is designed to familiarize the student with basic air conditioning/heating concepts and diagnostic procedures as used with heavy-duty trucks and other heavy equipment. The course will focus on A/C concepts, federal and state requirements, component operation, controls, and service procedures such as recovery, evacuation, and charging. Transport refrigeration diagnostic concepts and service procedures as used on refrigerated trailers will also be studied. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

804-360Math for Technical Trades2Math for Technical Trades is an applied technical math course. The course includes arithmetic, measurement calculation, formula manipulation, basic geometry, right triangle trigonometry, and interpretation of visual displays of data, with an emphasis on contextualized technical applications.

809-351Occupational Relations2This course is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the human relations skills necessary to succeed in a total quality work environment. This will include workplace trends, team-building skills, customer and co-worker relations, attitude and motivation, safety and stress management, diversity, employment law, and financial and benefits planning.


Summer Term

Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments

412-380Diesel Internship148 hours | Program studentThis course is designed to provide the student with a purposeful occupational experience in the medium/heavy truck field. Each internship is an individualized experience. A training plan is created for each student in conjunction with the training site and CVTC Diesel Technician Program to provide experience related to the skills and knowledge acquired in the program. Student must be in 4th semester status.


Fourth Semester

Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments

412-310Diesel Engine Oper & Tune-up4412-309; Corequisite: 412-311, 412-312This course will introduce the student to the mechanical diesel engine. The student will study engine operating fundamentals, basic theory of combustion, mechanical controls, and fuel injection systems. Emphasis will be on engine tune-up and testing with proper diagnostic procedures. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

412-311Applied Mobile Hydraulics2412-309; Corequisite: 412-310, 412-312This course will provide the application of basic hydraulic principles into typical mobile hydraulic circuits. The student will experience activities with basic hydraulic components including, disassembly and assembly of valves, pump, and cylinder. Servicing and preventive maintenance will be performed on trucks and other equipment. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

412-312Intro to Electronic Control4412-309; Corequisite: 412-310, 412-311This course will introduce the student to the basic electronic control systems that are integrated into the modern heavy -duty truck. The student will study electronic engine systems and electronic transmission systems. Schematic interpretation, troubleshooting techniques using a digital multi-meter, service manual and scan tools will be practiced. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

412-320Diesel Equipment Service Mgmt2This course provides the student with practical aspects of managing a fleet or repair business. Special concentration is placed on current OEM software, preventive maintenance, DOT annual inspections, OSHA, DNR/EPA laws and regulations. Course work will be presentations, written reports, and computer lab work.

412-350Mobile Hydraulic Concepts11st 8 Weeks | Corequisite: 412-311This course will provide the basic concepts of hydraulic principles that are found in typical mobile hydraulic circuits. The student will learn the components, related math, symbols, schematics, fitting, operations, and maintenance of the hydraulic systems.

458-307CDL License Training-Online22nd 8 Weeks | Program studentProvides current rules and regulations training regarding driving a tractor-trailer through online delivery.

806-342Science for Technical Trades2804-360 or 804-134Provides an introduction to basic physical principles involved in precision measurement, mechanics, hydraulics, thermodynamics, and electronics to students. Practical utilization of these principles in various technologies is analyzed with reinforcement from problem solving and laboratory exercises.


Fifth Semester

Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments

412-313Diesel Engine Overhaul5412-312; Corequisite: 412-314, 412-315, 458-308This course will study heavy-duty diesel engine rebuild. Diagnostic and disassembly procedures, evaluation of worn parts, component rebuilding, reassembly and testing procedures including power concepts and dynamometer run-in. Operation and troubleshooting of cooling and lubrication systems. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

412-314Electronic Diagnostics4412-312; Corequisite: 412-313, 412-315, 458-308This course will advance the student's ability in electronic diagnostics with the use of electronic software for engine and transmission troubleshooting. The student will be using skills learned in the program to diagnose active and inactive codes, system reprogramming, and intermittent codes. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

412-315Preventive Maintenance1412-312; Corequisite: 412-313, 412-314, 458-308This course will offer the student a change to show the instructor his or her ability to perform general and/or major preventive maintenance/repair on a heavy-duty truck. Task may include any area that was covered in the program. A tool kit is required by each student in this course.

442-318Related Welding Diesel, Adv2Program student; 442-316The purpose of this course is to help the students acquire advanced welding skills in oxyacetylene welding, Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW). It is a hands-on self-paced learning environment to learn advanced welding skills and safe welding practices.

458-308CDL License Training-Pre-Trip1458-307 and (458-309 or 458-310 or concurrent)Provides skills related to earning a CDL for students whose primary career is not driving. Pre-trip inspection procedures and backing exercises.

458-309CDL License Training - Lab1458-307 and 458-308 or concurrentProvides skills related to earning a CDL for students whose primary career is not driving. Pre-trip inspection, backing, shifting and driving techniques with a tractor trailer are covered.


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Minimum Program Credits Required: 64

2.0 Minimum Program Cumulative GPA Required for Graduation
If a student does not enroll in any courses at CVTC for two or more consecutive semesters, the student will be required to reapply with Admissions. Students must abide by any changes in admission requirements and degree requirements.

Updated: 10/25/2024 9:02 a.m.  |  Printed: 3/12/2025 11:15 a.m.

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