Program Requirements
Practical Nursing (LPN)
Technical Diploma | 31-543-1
Start Dates: August
Effective: August 2025
Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments
806-177Gen Anatomy & Physiology4836-133 or 806-134 or concurrent or CHEM Test ScoreExamines basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology as they relate to health sciences. Using a body systems approach, the course emphasizes the interrelationships between structure and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization of the entire human body. It is intended to prepare health care professionals who need to apply basic concepts of whole body anatomy and physiology to informed decision-making and professional communication with colleagues and patients.
First Semester
Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments
543-101Nursing Fundamentals2Program student; 806-177 or concurrent or 806-140 or 806-207 or concurrent; Corequisite: 543-103This course focuses on basic nursing concepts that the beginning nurse will need to provide care to diverse patient populations across the lifespan. Current and historical issues impacting nursing will be explored within the scope of nursing practice. The nursing process will be introduced as a framework for organizing the care of patients with alterations in cognition, elimination, comfort, grief/loss, mobility, integument, and fluid/electrolyte balance. Note: For Online offerings of this course: Online test dates are announced/posted in advance for students. Faculty will list in syllabus how far ahead students may work in an online course. Online courses are NOT self-paced or independent study. Faculty will list in the syllabus use of acceptable proctors. Faculty will NOT leave tests open more than one day unless pre-arranged and agreed upon in advance.
543-102Nursing Skills3Program student; (543-101 or concurrent or N101 Test Score) and (543-103 or concurrent or N103 Test Score) and (806-177 or concurrent or 806-207This course focuses on development of clinical skills and physical assessment across the lifespan. Content includes mathematic calculations and conversions related to clinical skills, blood pressure assessment, aseptic technique, wound care, oxygen administration, tracheostomy care, suctioning, management of enteral tubes, basic medication administration, glucose testing, enemas, ostomy care, and catheterization. In addition the course includes techniques related to obtaining a health history and basic physical assessment skills using a body systems approach.
543-103Nursing Pharmacology2Program student; 806-177 or 806-207 or concurrent or 806-140; Corequisite: 543-101This course introduces the principles of pharmacology, including drug classifications and their effects on the body. Emphasis is on the use of the components of the nursing process when administering medications. Note: For Online offerings of this course: Online test dates are announced/posted in advance for students. Faculty will list in syllabus how far ahead students may work in an online course. Online courses are NOT self-paced or independent study. Faculty will list in the syllabus use of acceptable proctors. Faculty will NOT leave tests open more than one day unless pre-arranged and agreed upon in advance.
543-104Nursing Intro Clinical Practice2Program student; (543-101 or concurrent or N101 Test Score) and (543-102 or concurrent or N102 Test Score) and (543-103 or concurrent or N103 Test Score) and (806-177 or 806-207 or concurrentThis introductory clinical course emphasizes basic nursing skills and application of the nursing process in meeting the needs of diverse clients across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on performing basic nursing skills, the formation of nurse-client relationships, communication, data collection, documentation, and medication administration.
801-136English Composition 13This course is designed for learners to develop knowledge and skills in all aspects of the writing process. Planning, organizing, writing, editing, and revising are applied through a variety of activities. Students will analyze audience and purpose, use elements of research and format documents using standard guidelines. Individuals will develop critical reading skills through analysis of various written documents.
809-188Developmental Psychology3This is the study of human development throughout the lifespan. This course explores developmental theory and research with an emphasis on the interactive nature of the biological, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that affect the individual from conception to death. Application activities and critical thinking skills will enable students to gain increased knowledge and understanding of themselves and others. It is recommended that either Intro to Psychology (809-198) or Psychology of Human Relations (809-199) be completed before taking this course.
Second Semester
Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments
543-105Nursing Health Alterations3Program student; (543-101 or N101 Test Score) and (543-102 or N102 Test Score) and (543-103 or N103 Test Score) and (543-104 or N104 Test Score) and (806-177 or 806-207 and (809-188 or concurrentThis course elaborates upon the basic concepts of health and illness as presented in Nursing Fundamentals. It applies theories of nursing in the care of clients through the lifespan, utilizing problem solving and critical thinking. This course will provide an opportunity to study conditions affecting different body systems and apply therapeutic nursing interventions. It will also introduce concepts of leadership, team building, and scope of practice. Note: For Online offerings of this course: Online test dates are announced/posted in advance for students. Faculty will list in syllabus how far ahead students may work in an online course. Online courses are NOT self-paced or independent study. Faculty will list in the syllabus use of acceptable proctors. Faculty will NOT leave tests open more than one day unless pre-arranged and agreed upon in advance.
543-106Nursing Health Promotion3Program student; (543-101 or N101 Test Score) and (543-102 or N102 Test Score) and (543-103 or N103 Test Score) and (543-104 or N104 Test Score) and (806-177 or 806-207 and (809-188 or concurrentThis course will cover topics related to health promotion in the context of the family throughout the lifespan. We will cover nursing care of the developing family, which includes reproductive issues, pregnancy, labor and delivery, post-partum, the newborn, and the child. Recognizing the spectrum of health families we will discern patterns associated with adaptive and maladaptive behaviors applying mental health principles. An emphasis is placed on teaching and supporting healthy lifestyle choices for individuals of all ages. Nutrition, exercise, stress management, empowerment, and risk reduction practices are highlighted. Study of the family will cover dynamics, functions, discipline styles, and stages of development. Note: For Online offerings of this course: Online test dates are announced/posted in advance for students. Faculty will list in syllabus how far ahead students may work in an online course. Online courses are NOT self-paced or independent study. Faculty will list in the syllabus use of acceptable proctors. Faculty will NOT leave tests open more than one day unless pre-arranged and agreed upon in advance.
543-107Nursing Clinical Care Across the Lifespan2Program student; (543-101 or N101 Test Score) and (543-102 or N102 Test Score) and (543-103 or N103 Test Score) and (543-104 or N104 Test Score)This clinical experience applies nursing concepts and therapeutic interventions to clients across the lifespan. It also provides an introduction to concepts of teaching and learning. Extending care to include the family is emphasized.
543-108Intro to Clinical Care Management2Program student; (543-101 or N101 Test Score) and (543-102 or N102 Test Score) and (543-103 or N103 Test Score) and (543-104 or N104 Test Score) and (809-188 or concurrentThis clinical experience applies nursing concepts and therapeutic nursing interventions to groups of clients across the lifespan. It also provides an introduction to leadership, management, and team building.
801-196Oral/Interpersonal Comm3Focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation, group activity, and other projects. The study of self, conflict, and cultural contexts will be explored, as well as their impact on communication.
Minimum Program Credits Required: 32
Grade of B- required for program core courses
Grade of C required for general education courses
2.0 Minimum Program Cumulative GPA Required for Graduation
If a student does not enroll in any courses at CVTC for two or more consecutive semesters, the student will be required to reapply with Admissions. Students must abide by any changes in admission requirements and degree requirements.
Updated: 4/16/2024 8:56 a.m. | Printed: 3/25/2025 11:07 a.m.
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