Program Requirements
Medical Coder
Technical Diploma | 31-530-3
Start Dates: June
Effective: June 2025
First Semester
Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments
501-101Medical Terminology3This course focuses on the component parts of medical terms: prefixes, suffixes, and word roots. Students practice formation, analysis, and reconstruction of terms. Emphasis on spelling, definition, and pronunciation. Introduction to operative, diagnostic, therapeutic, and symptomatic terminology of all body systems, as well as systemic and surgical terminology.
806-177Gen Anatomy & Physiology4836-133 or 806-134 or concurrent or CHEM Test ScoreExamines basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology as they relate to health sciences. Using a body systems approach, the course emphasizes the interrelationships between structure and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization of the entire human body. It is intended to prepare health care professionals who need to apply basic concepts of whole body anatomy and physiology to informed decision-making and professional communication with colleagues and patients.
Second Semester
Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments
530-107HIMT Fundamentals31st 8 weeks | Program studentThis course provides learners a firm foundation in the knowledge and skills essential to the field of Health Information Management & Technology. Includes: healthcare delivery systems and organization; health record content, organization, and storage; information technology in healthcare; electronic health records; healthcare data sets and data standards; data and information governance; accreditation, and licensing documentation requirements; confidentiality, privacy, and security issues; the HIM profession and HIMT functions; and ethical issues in health information management and technology.
530-182Human Diseases for Hlth Profes3Online only | (501-101 or concurrent or M101 Test Score and (806-177 or concurrentThis course focuses on the common diseases of each body system as encountered in all types of health care settings by health information professionals. Emphasis is placed on understanding the etiology (cause), signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatment (including pharmacologic) of each disease.
530-184CPT Coding32nd 8 weeks | Program student; (501-101 or M101 Test Score) and 806-177 and (530-107 or concurrent or H107 Test Score) and (530-182 or concurrent or H182 Test Score)Prepares learners to assign CPT codes, supported by medical documentation, with entry level proficiency. Learners apply CPT instructional notations, conventions, rules, and official coding guidelines when assigning CPT codes to case studies and actual medical record documentation.
530-197ICD Diagnosis Coding32nd 8 weeks | Program student; (501-101 or M101 Test Score) and 806-177 and (530-107 or concurrent or H107 Test Score) and (530-182 or concurrent or H182 Test Score)Prepares students to assign ICD diagnosis codes supported by medical documentation with entry level proficiency. Students apply instructional notations, conventions, rules, and official coding guidelines when assigning ICD diagnosis codes to case studies and actual medical record documentation.
530-199ICD Procedure Coding21st 8 weeks | Program student; (501-101 or M101 Test Score) and 806-177 and (530-107 or concurrent or H107 Test Score) and (530-182 or concurrent or H182 Test Score)Prepares students to assign ICD procedure codes supported by medical documentation with entry level proficiency. Students apply instructional notations, conventions, rules, and official coding guidelines when assigning ICD procedure codes to case studies and actual medical record documentation.
Third Semester
Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments
530-103Medical Insurance & Billing21st 8 weeks, Online only | Program studentThe focus of this course is medical insurance billing and claims processing. Requirements for processing claims from an insurance company perspective and the medical facility perspective are addressed. Specific insurance types include managed care organizations. Medicare, Medical Assistance, and commercial payers. An overview of CPT and ICD coding systems is provided. Fraud and abuse initiatives and compliance requirements are reviewed.
530-159Healthcare Revenue Management3Program student; (530-184 or H184 Test Score) and (530-197 or H197 Test Score) and (530-199 or concurrent or H199 Test Score)Prepares learners to compare and contrast health care payers, illustrate the reimbursement cycle, and to comply with regulations related to fraud and abuse. Learners assign payment classifications with entry level proficiency using computerized encoding and grouping software.
530-195Applied Coding2Program student; (530-159 or concurrent or H159 Test Score)Prepares students to assign ICD and CPT/HCPCS codes supported by medical documentation with intermediate level of proficiency. Students will prepare appropriate physician queries in accordance with compliance guidelines and will assign codes to optimize appropriate reimbursement.
Minimum Program Credits Required: 28
Grade of B- required for program core courses
Grade of C required for general education courses
2.0 Minimum Program Cumulative GPA Required for Graduation
If a student does not enroll in any courses at CVTC for two or more consecutive semesters, the student will be required to reapply with Admissions. Students must abide by any changes in admission requirements and degree requirements.
Updated: 12/13/2024 9:08 a.m. | Printed: 3/28/2025 4:43 p.m.
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