Advising Tips
Mechatronics Technician
Technical Diploma | 31-462-2 | 1-800-547-2882
Year-Round Sessions
The program operates on a year-round basis including summer attendance.
Classes start in June, August, October, January, and March.
All semesters, regardless of start dates, are 16 weeks. The one exception is the third term of full time 'Daytime,' which is 8 weeks.
- Flexibility - work at your own schedule / pace
- Take one course or more
- Update your skills
- Three Shifts, two locations (Eau Claire, Menomonie)
- When can you attend Open Lab / Classroom
- Days: 8 AM - 4 PM, Monday-Friday
- Afternoon: 12 PM - 4 PM, Monday-Friday
- Evening: 4 PM - 9 PM, Monday - Thursday
- How many hours do I need to allot to meet my course needs?
- Planning your week (each credit represents a 2 hour time commitment)
- 2 credits = 4 hours/week
- 6 credits = 12 hours/week
- 10 credits = 20 hours/week
- 15 credits = Full Time days only or split across afternoon & evening
- Planning your week (each credit represents a 2 hour time commitment)
- Multiple Career Pathways
- Mechanical Maintenance
- Electrical Maintenance
- Mechatronics Technician - 1 year Technical Diploma
- Mechatronics Specialist - 2 year Associate Degree
Program Delivery
Mechatronics Technician uses an open lab structure based on a block of hours in which courses are scheduled. Student schedules reflect the both the number of credits and required hours and hours of operation. Students must attend all required hours needed for classes.
Academic Advising & Student Success
Academic advisors assist students with developing academic plans based on their degree evaluations. Their goal is to plan the right pathway to graduation by maximizing students' potential and ensuring success based on the student's previous academic experience, career path, and responsibilities outside of being a student. Student success specialists assist students in overcoming barriers that many students encounter over their academic career. Their goal is to help students become academically successful by assisting with goal setting, interpersonal issues, success plans, and community-based referrals. More information can be found on Commons (Student Services & Support).
Library & Academic Support
Free academic help including drop-in tutoring, test preparation, and technology support available online and face-to-face. More information is available in Commons.
Technology Requirements
Students should have access to a computer/device with reliable Wi-Fi at home/off-campus.
Students in Mechatronics Technician qualify to test for PMMI Mechatronics Certifications at Level 1 in Fluid Power, Industrial Electricity, Mechanical Components, and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). It is highly recommended all students join AFE (Association of Facilities Engineers). Chapter 66-Eau Claire is very active, with great networking opportunities and tours. Visit for more information. Membership costs are the student's responsibility.
Mechatronics Technician and Specialist Programs and Transfers
Within the two-year Mechatronics Specialist Associate Degree, are three diploma programs. Within the one-year program are the Mechanical Maintenance diploma and the Electrical Maintenance diploma. All allow seamless transfer with courses applying directly into the Associate Degree or Technical Diploma program. Most students take the one-year diploma or the two-year associate degree.
Transfer Credit
Students planning to transfer to a university have the option to take 200-level courses that will count toward general education requirements in the four-year degree being pursued. While some of the 100-level general education courses listed on the program sheet may meet approval for transfer, the 200-level courses are more widely accepted for transfer. To determine what courses may transfer, utilize Students should also contact the college or university they are pursuing to determine exactly what the school will accept and when to seek admission. Students should maintain contact with the other institution, given that program requirements are subject to change.
Students who have completed the Applied Math WorkKeys Assessment with a score of 3 or greater can receive credit for 462-119 Industrial Mechanical Skills. A score report must be submitted to receive credit.
804-134 Mathematical Reasoning
Students may be eligible to earn credit for the Mathematical Reasoning course if they have taken the WorkKeys test. Many high schools started requiring students to take the WorkKeys test in 2016. If students have taken the WorkKeys test or would like to take the WorkKeys test in lieu of taking the Mathematical Reasoning course, please contact the Credit for Prior Learning office for more details.
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)
CPL offers CVTC students an opportunity to earn college credit toward an associate degree or technical diploma for previous knowledge and mastered skills directly related to program curriculum. Previous knowledge and skills may be the result of work or volunteer experiences, certifications, apprenticeships, military experience, and courses completed at other institutions. More information can be found at Students with a Work Keys Score of 3 or higher in mathematical reasoning can receive credit for 462-119 Industrial Mechanical Skills.
Pre-Program Status Students Seeking Associate Degree
If the program is full, you may take courses related to the program. Estimate how long before core courses are available to determine which courses in which to enroll. Federal financial aid requires students complete their program within 150 percent of attempted credits. Mechatronics Specialist program students are eligible for financial aid up to 102 credits.
The following courses qualify as pre-program:
- 801-136 English Composition 1
- 801-197 Technical Reporting
- 804-134 Mathematical Reasoning
- 809-195 Economics
- 809-199 Psychology of Human Relations
Financial Aid Consideration
Courses must be part of the student�s program to be eligible although some specific courses may not be eligible for financial aid. Students must follow their program requirements to be eligible for financial aid. To be eligible for financial aid, students must maintain Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress of a 2.0 Term GPA, 2.0 Cumulative GPA, complete 67% of attempted credits each semester, and complete their program by the time 150% of the published credits have been attempted.
Students with Disabilities
CVTC welcomes individuals with disabilities. We will provide and coordinate reasonable accommodations for all individuals with documented disabilities. Students that might benefit from accommodations during their college experience at CVTC can contact the Student Success and Accessibility team at 715-833-6234 or to determine what accommodations they may be eligible for and what documentation may be required.
Title IX Pregnancy and Related Conditions
CVTC does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy or related conditions and will fully comply with Title IX regulations. Absences due to medical conditions relating to pregnancy and maternity leave will be excused for as long as deemed medically necessary by a student's medical provider, and students will be given the opportunity to make up missed work. Students are encouraged to contact the Student Success and Accessibility team to set up an appointment as soon as the pregnancy is known to determine if any reasonable modifications are appropriate.
Last Updated: February 22, 2024 @ 8:19 a.m.
Printed: 3/28/2025 12:23 p.m.