Advising Tips
Nursing Assistant
Technical Diploma | 30-543-1 | 1-800-547-2882
General Information
Computer Skills
Basic computer knowledge is required to complete class assignments.
Technology Requirements
Students must have access to a computer or device with a webcam and microphone, and have reliable Wi-Fi at home or off-campus.
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)
CPL offers CVTC students an opportunity to earn college credit toward an associate degree or technical diploma for previous knowledge and mastered skills directly related to program curriculum. Previous knowledge and skills may be the result of work or volunteer experiences, certifications, apprenticeships, military experience, and courses completed at other institutions. If a student wishes to attempt CPL for a course in progress, it is imperative that CPL is attempted within the first week of the class to be eligible for a tuition refund. More information can be found at
Financial Aid
This program does not qualify for financial aid.
Students with Disabilities
CVTC welcomes individuals with disabilities. We will provide and coordinate reasonable accommodations for all individuals with documented disabilities. Students that might benefit from accommodations during their college experience at CVTC can contact Student Success and Accessibility at 715-833-6234 or to determine what accommodations they may be eligible for and what documentation may be required.
Title IX Pregnancy and Related Conditions
CVTC does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy or related conditions and will fully comply with Title IX regulations. Absences due to medical conditions relating to pregnancy and maternity leave will be excused for as long as deemed medically necessary by a student's medical provider, and students will be given the opportunity to make up missed work. Students are encouraged to contact the Student Success and Accessibility team to set up an appointment as soon as the pregnancy is known to determine if any reasonable modifications are appropriate.
Program Information
Criminal Background Check
Students will be provided direction on how to request a criminal background check from a third party vendor. Upon receipt of the criminal background check results, if a student has a criminal history, they will be advised of the possibility of being denied clinical placement. This denial will result in not being able to attend clinical(s) or graduate from the program. Additional background checks may be required during the student's enrollment in the program based on clinical site requirements. Students will be informed by CVTC if they need a criminal background check renewal.
Clinical Compliance
To be in compliance with CVTC's partnering clinical agencies and the agencies' regulating bodies, for example the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), students must be prepared to abide by vaccination mandates and health and safety guidelines as dictated by those bodies. Students will receive an email invite from Clinician Nexus to login and upload their own clinical compliance documents. Students are responsible for maintaining their own records.
Course Information
Students will learn: basic body function and structure, nutrition, nursing care procedures, how to take vital signs, sanitary guidelines to protect you and the patient, how to properly transfer a patient, and ethical and legal considerations. All scheduled course hours must be attended in order to be in compliance with Wisconsin Department of Health Services regulations. Students that don't pass the classroom portion with 80% or better cannot proceed with the clinical portion.
What to Wear
Students need one set of scrubs for the clinical portion of the course. Any color or style is acceptable, but make sure they fit well and are not too tight. It is recommended that students have a watch with a second hand. Comfortable athletic shoes that are primarily one or two colors and leather is preferred. The following shoes are unacceptable: mesh, canvas, cloth, clogs or Crocs, and they cannot be open-toed.
Certification is required to be employed as a CNA. Students must take the exam within one year of successfully completing the training.
Furthering Your Education
If students are planning to pursue a health program, some of CVTC's health programs require the nursing assistant course for admission. CVTC requires a "B-" or better in the nursing assistant course to meet admission requirements. Certification is not required for admission purposes, but it is recommended.
Last Updated: February 14, 2025 @ 4:24 p.m.
Printed: 3/25/2025 9:59 p.m.