Program Requirements

Program Requirements

Surgical Technology

Associate Degree  |  10-512-1

Start Dates: June

Effective: June 2025

First Semester

Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments

501-101Medical Terminology3This course focuses on the component parts of medical terms: prefixes, suffixes, and word roots. Students practice formation, analysis, and reconstruction of terms. Emphasis on spelling, definition, and pronunciation. Introduction to operative, diagnostic, therapeutic, and symptomatic terminology of all body systems, as well as systemic and surgical terminology.

806-177Gen Anatomy & Physiology4836-133 or 806-134 or concurrent or CHEM Test ScoreExamines basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology as they relate to health sciences. Using a body systems approach, the course emphasizes the interrelationships between structure and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization of the entire human body. It is intended to prepare health care professionals who need to apply basic concepts of whole body anatomy and physiology to informed decision-making and professional communication with colleagues and patients.


Second Semester

Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments

512-125Intro to Surgical Technology41st 8 weeks | Program student; 806-177 and 501-101 or M101 Test Score; Corequisite: 512-126Provides the foundational knowledge of the occupational environment. Principles of sterilization and disinfection are learned. Surgical instruments are introduced. Preoperative patient care concepts are simulated. Lab practice is included.

512-126Surgical Tech Fundamentals 14Program student; 806-177 and 501-101 or M101 Test Score; Corequisite: 512-125, 512-127Focuses on preparing the patient and operating room for surgery. Principles of sterile technique are emphasized as the student moves into the scrub role. Lab practice is included.

512-127Exploring Surgical Issues22nd 8 weeks | Program student; Corequisite: 512-126Explores a variety of issues related to surgical technology. Emphasis is placed on becoming a professional member of the surgical team.

806-197Microbiology4806-177 or 806-207This course examines microbial structure, metabolism, genetics, growth, and the relationship between humans and microorganisms. Disease production, epidemiology, host defense mechanisms, and the medical impact of microbes in the environment, industry, and biotechnology are also addressed.


Third Semester

Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments

512-128Surgical Tech Fundamentals 24Program student; (512-127 or S127 Test Score) and 806-197 and 512-125 and (512-126 or S126 Test Score) and (501-101 or M101 Test Score); Corequisite: 512-129Focuses on enhancing surgical technology skills while functioning as a sterile team member. Lab is included.

512-129Surgical Pharmacology21st 8 weeks | Program student; 512-125 and (512-126 or S126 Test Score)Basic study of drug classifications, care, and handling of drugs and solutions, application of mathematical principles in dosage calculations, and terminology related to pharmacology, anesthesia, and drugs used in surgery.

512-130Surgical Skills Application22nd 8 weeks | Program student; 512-125 and (512-126 or S126 Test Score) and 512-128 or concurrent; Corequisite: 512-129Provides a transition from the academic to the clinical setting. Learners integrate the surgical technologist skills as they apply to various surgical procedures.

809-198Intro to Psychology3This introductory course in psychology is a survey of the multiple aspects of human behavior. It involves a survey of the theoretical foundations of human functioning in such areas as learning, motivation, emotions, personality, deviance and pathology, physiological factors, and social influences. Additional topics include research methods, biological and environmental impacts, development, sensation and perception, consciousness, intelligence and stress. This course directs the student to an insightful understanding of the complexities of human relationships in personal, social, and vocational settings.

801-136English Composition 13This course is designed for learners to develop knowledge and skills in all aspects of the writing process. Planning, organizing, writing, editing, and revising are applied through a variety of activities. Students will analyze audience and purpose, use elements of research and format documents using standard guidelines. Individuals will develop critical reading skills through analysis of various written documents.

801-219English Composition 13English Composition 1 develops critical thinking, reading, writing, listening, and speaking for both exposition and argumentation. The course emphasizes college-level writing skills supported by reasoning, organization, and language conventions for research, presentations, and other discourse.


Fourth Semester

Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments

512-131Surgical Interventions 14Program student; 512-128 and 512-130Provides the foundational knowledge of surgical core and specialty procedures. Examines the pathophysiology, diagnostic interventions, health sciences, and surgical techniques for a variety of procedures.

512-132Surgical Technology Clinical 131st 8 weeks | Program student; 512-128 and 512-130Apply basic surgical theories, principles, and procedural techniques in the operating room. Students begin to function as team members under the guidance of the instructor and authorized clinical personnel.

512-133Surgical Technology Clinical 232nd 8 weeks | Program student; 512-132 and 512-131 or concurrentFurther experience in a clinical setting allows the student to continue to improve technical skills while accepting more responsibilities during surgical procedures.

801-196Oral/Interpersonal Comm3Focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation, group activity, and other projects. The study of self, conflict, and cultural contexts will be explored, as well as their impact on communication.


Fifth Semester

Course #Course TitleCreditsPrerequisites/Comments

512-135Surgical Technology Clinical 331st 8 weeks | Program student; 512-131 and 512-133Further experience in a clinical setting allows the student to continue to improve technical skills while accepting more responsibilities during surgical procedures.

512-136Surgical Technology Clinical 432nd 8 weeks | Program student; 512-135 and 512-142 or concurrentDuring this clinical course, the student will function relatively independently. Serves as a transition from a student perspective to an employee by utilizing advanced skills for an entry level Surgical Technologist.

512-142Surgical Interventions II4Program student; 512-131 and 512-133Expands knowledge of core and specialty surgical procedures by incorporating pathophysiology, diagnostic interventions, health sciences, and surgical techniques.

809-196Intro to Sociology3This course introduces students to the basic concepts of sociology, including culture, race, socialization, gender, group behavior, deviance, social stratification, and social change. Students will use the sociological perspective to analyze major social institutions, multiculturalism, and social issues affecting our selves and society. Students will participate in a variety of experiences to strengthen and demonstrate these perspectives and skills. Critical thinking skills are emphasized, and learning activities include applying sociological theory to current issues in society. The focus is on how social factors and forces influence beliefs and behaviors, both in our personal lives and at work.


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Minimum Program Credits Required: 61

Grade of B- required for program core courses

Grade of C required for general education courses

2.0 Minimum Program Cumulative GPA Required for Graduation
If a student does not enroll in any courses at CVTC for two or more consecutive semesters, the student will be required to reapply with Admissions. Students must abide by any changes in admission requirements and degree requirements.

Updated: 4/25/2024 12:53 p.m.  |  Printed: 3/13/2025 7:40 a.m.

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