Program Tips

Advising Tips

IT - Data Analyst

Associate Degree  |  10-156-3  |  1-800-547-2882


Computer Skills

Before beginning this program, you should have experience using current Windows operating systems, word processing, spreadsheet, file management, and presentation software. If you are not comfortable using the above-mentioned software, you should take 103-102 Microsoft Office Suite, 2 credits, before starting the program or during your first semester. You must also be able to type at least 20 words per minute without errors.

Program Delivery

The IT - Data Analyst program is fully online. Program courses are typically 8 or 16 weeks long. The eight-week courses start either at the start of the semester or in the 9th week of the semester. See below for a description of the online format. 

  • Online – Course is available fully online with no defined weekly meeting time. There are still weekly activities, due dates, and labs. You utilize your personal computer and schedule in time during the week that works best for you. Best for students with good time management and study skills or those who like to work at their own pace.

Online Program

The IT - Data Analyst program has been designed to be a 100% online program.  No face-to-face instruction is required. All instruction will be online via the Canvas learning management system.

Technology Requirement

Students will need to provide their own device with reliable Wi-Fi at home/off-campus.

The IT - Data Analyst program requires the student to have access to a computer and the Internet to complete their online course hours and their homework. The computer must meet the minimum requirements or better to be used for the duration of the program.

Recommended Laptop Specifications:


At Least



Windows 10

Windows 11



i7 or i9 +


8 GB

16 GB


256 GB

512 GB to 1TB

TCTeks has offered a 15% discount on refurbished Laptop purchases for CVTC students.  These laptops are obtained from local businesses, inspected, fixed, and their OS are reinstalled.  You will need a student ID to receive the 15% discount.

TCTeks web site, TC-TEKS: Computer Repair, iPhone Repair, iPad Repair & Sales ( 

Age of IT Credit

Students are strongly encouraged to complete all their core IT courses within a 5-year timeframe from the time they start their first semester core IT courses. Students who do not complete IT core courses within this timeframe may be subject to further review to determine if course repeats are necessary to progress through and to complete the program. This is to ensure knowledge of current industry concepts in a continuously changing field.

Academic Advising & Student Success

Academic Advisors assist students with developing academic plans based on their degree evaluations.  Their goal is to plan the right pathway to graduation by maximizing student's potential and ensuring success based on the student's previous academic experience, career path, and responsibilities outside of being a student.  Student Success Specialists assist students in overcoming barriers that students encounter over their academic career.  Their goal is to help students become academically successful by assisting with goal setting, interpersonal issues, success plans, and community-based referrals.  More information can be found on Commons (Student Services & Support).

Library & Academic Support

Free academic help including drop-in tutoring, test preparation, and technology support available online and face-to-face. More information is available in Commons.

Pre-Program Students

Students who have pre-program status have been accepted into the college but not into the program. Pre-program status may be granted because the program is filled to capacity, admission requirements need to be satisfied, or the program start date is in the future. By completing these general education courses ahead of time, students can decrease their credit load when they reach the highly demanding core program courses and increase their success rate in the program. Refer to the Transfer Credit section for the list of courses typically taken by pre-program students.

Summer Classes

We encourage IT - Data Analyst students to enroll in one or two general education courses during the summer to lighten their credit load during fall and spring semesters.

Transfer Credit

Students planning to transfer to a university have the option to take 200-level courses that will count toward general education requirements in the four-year degree being pursued. While some of the 100-level general education courses listed on the program sheet may meet approval for transfer, the 200-level courses are more widely accepted for transfer. To determine what courses may transfer, utilize Students should also contact the college or university they are pursuing to determine exactly what the school will accept and when to seek admission. Students should maintain contact with the other institution, given that program requirements are subject to change.

Required 100-Level Courses

Alternate 200-Level Courses

804-133 Math and Logic

804-224 College Algebra

801-136 English Composition 1

801-219 English Composition 1

801-196 Oral/Interpersonal Communication

810-201 Fundamentals of Speech

809-196 Intro to Psychology

809-251 General Psychology

804-189 Introductory Statistics

804-230 Statistics

Tips for Success

  • Meet deadlines! Even the Online courses are NOT self-paced. Assignments have due dates.
  • Practice time management. Set aside time each week to work on homework to keep pace with the class schedule.
  • Communicate with your instructor. Check email and Canvas daily. Ask questions!

Access to Discounted and/or No-Cost Software

During the first week of the semester, all IT students will receive an invitation from Azure Dev Tools for Teaching. This partnership between CVTC and Microsoft gives the student access to a number of software titles such as Windows, SQL Server, Microsoft Project, and Microsoft Visio. At this time, the college offers a subscription to Office 360; this can be downloaded on to your personal PC. The use of this software is free.

Additionally, students enrolled at CVTC have access to discounted software using the WISC (Wisconsin Integrated Software Catalog) from the following website: Please note that available software titles, as well as student discounts, change from time to time. Students can take advantage of the discounted software titles once they have received a CVTC email account.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

CPL offers CVTC students an opportunity to earn college credit towards an associate degree or technical diploma for previous knowledge and mastered skills directly related to program curriculum. Previous knowledge and skills may be the result of work or volunteer experiences, certifications, apprenticeships, military experience, and courses completed at other institutions. If a student wishes to attempt CPL for a course in progress, it is imperative that CPL is attempted within the first week of the class to be eligible for a tuition refund. More information can be found at

Financial Aid Consideration

Courses must be part of the student’s program to be eligible although some specific courses may not be eligible for financial aid. Students must follow their program requirements to be eligible for financial aid. To be eligible for financial aid, students must maintain Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress of a 2.0 Term GPA, 2.0 Cumulative GPA, complete 67% of attempted credits each semester, and complete their program by the time 150% of the published credits have been attempted.

Students with Disabilities

CVTC welcomes individuals with disabilities. We will provide and coordinate reasonable accommodations for all individuals with documented disabilities. Students who might benefit from accommodations during their college experience at CVTC can contact the Student Success and Accessibility team at 715-833-6234 or to determine what accommodations they may be eligible for and what documentation may be required.

Title IX Pregnancy and Related Conditions

CVTC does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy or related conditions and will fully comply with Title IX regulations. Absences due to medical conditions relating to pregnancy and maternity leave will be excused for as long as deemed medically necessary by a student's medical provider, and students will be given the opportunity to make up missed work. Students are encouraged to contact Student Success and Accessibility at 715-833-6234 or to set up an appointment as soon as the pregnancy is known.

Last Updated: March 7, 2025 @ 2:40 p.m.

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Printed: 3/28/2025 7:11 p.m.

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