The Federal Aviation Administration has introduced new requirements requiring all recreational drone pilots to pass an additional aeronautical knowledge and safety test. The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) is a collaboration between the FAA and the industry to provide continuing education and training to recreational flyers.

CVTC has recently been named as an an FAA-Approved Test Administrator of The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) test administrator. This will allow our test administrators to offer certification locally and will help make this fun and enjoyable activity more accessible and available to our region.

The test is available virtually for your convenience and allows you to earn your credentials and operate safely in the airspaces of our community. Per FAA regulations, your completion certificate must be carried when operating, so register today and get flying!

Steps to complete the TRUST:

  • Access the TRUST using the link below
  • Complete the Knowledge questions provided in the TRUST
  • Save your certificate provided at the end of the TRUST

Access TRUST Now

Upon completion of the test recreational flyers should print or save a digital copy of their completion certificate and keep it on their person when they fly. Chippewa Valley Technical College cannot re-issue your completion certificate if it is lost. The FAA cannot re-issue your completion certificate. Should you lose your completion certificate, you will need to re-take TRUST and obtain a new certificate.

CVTC Drone Training

The UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) Drone Certificate is designed to give the student a solid foundation in understanding unmanned aerial vehicle system technologies, capabilities, regulations, safety, and legal responsibilities. This will provide the student with both FAA regulations and knowledge along with practical flight skills necessary to successfully operate a UAV.

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Additional Resources

  • Register your drone through the FAA Drone Zone before you fly if it weighs more than 0.55lbs
  • FAA-Approved UAS Service Suppliers (FAA USSs) of the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC).
  • LAANC USSs provide FAA approved airspace authorizations and information about airspace restrictions to recreational flyers who wish to fly in controlled airspace.
  • Approved service suppliers have created apps that can be downloaded via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Links to the companies are available here.
  • B4UFLY provides information about airspace and does not offer airspace authorizations.
  • Information about how to get started as a recreational flyer.

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