District Board
Chippewa Valley Technical College has an appointed board consisting of nine members who serve three-year, staggered terms. Each year three members are appointed by a committee consisting of the county board chairpersons of the counties belonging to the Chippewa Valley Technical College District. The district board is composed of two employers, two employees, three additional members, one school district administrator, and one elected official who holds a state or local office.
The district board is empowered to levy property taxes for facilities and equipment, develop annual budgets, and hire personnel.
2024-2025 Board Members
Ramona Mathews, Chair, elected official member from Eau Claire
Email Ramona Mathews
Justin Zoromski, Vice-Chair, employer member from Eau Claire
Email Justin Zoromski
Monica Obrycki, Secretary, employer member from Eau Claire
Email Monica Obrycki
Lori Whelan, Treasurer, school district administrator member from Osseo
Email Lori Whelan
Tim Benedict, at-large member from Eau Claire
Email Tim Benedict
Erin Greenawald, at-large member from Eau Claire
Email Erin Greenawald
Mike Lea, at-large member from Augusta
Email Mike Lea
Mike Mills, employee member from Menomonie
Email Mike Mills
Brady Weiss, at-large member from Mondovi
Email Brady Weiss
Board Agendas & Minutes
As of January 2024, board agendas and approved minutes are found at the BoardDocs link below. For any meeting agenda or minutes prior to January 2024, please contact the President's Office.
View the Latest Agendas & Meeting Minutes