Student Feedback

Student Complaint or Concern Form

At CVTC we care about our students. The purpose of the student complaint/concern form is to provide an option for students to express concerns that cannot be resolved directly with the individuals involved.

However, this form should NOT be used for the following purposes because there are already other established processes for these type of concerns in the Student Handbook. Instead please reference the Student Handbook for these issues:

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Disabilities
  • Grade Appeals
  • Student Conduct Appeals

All other complaints or concerns may be submitted via the Student Complaint Form.

Student Complaints or Concerns Form 

Academic Advising

Our advising site provides current students with information on registration, program information, and CVTC policies.

​Student Handbook

The Student Handbook is intended to help you become an informed member of the CVTC community.

​​Student Rights & Responsibilities

​To help create a positive and harmonious learning environment we've outlined student rights and responsibilities.

WTCS Complaint Policy

After an attempt is made to resolve complaints through the applicable College appeals or complaint process, students who attend College within the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS), can file complaints at the State level in three categories as defined by the United States Department of Education: Complaints that allege violations of Wisconsin consumer protection laws, including but not limited to false advertising Complaints that allege violations of Wisconsin laws related to the licensure of post-secondary institutions; or Complaints relating to the quality of education or other State or accreditation requirements. A student who reasonably believes that a violation has occurred in one or more of these categories may file a written complaint within one year from the date of the alleged violation or the last recorded date of attendance, whichever is later. The WTCS will review complaints only after students attempt to resolve the matter through applicable college appeals or complaint processes. Complaints must be signed by the student and submitted on the official complaint form located on the WTCS Student Complaints page.

Distance Education Conducted Across State Lines

As a member of SARA, any current or former student of a distance education program offered by Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) may file a complaint with Wisconsin’s Distance Learning Authorization Board (DLAB) for CVTC distance education activity conducted across state lines under specific and limited circumstances.

For more information on the types of complaints handled by DLAB, steps to be taken before filing a complaint with DLAB, and the process to file a complaint with the DLAB, see DLAB’s student complaint process.

​Student Success Services

Services are free and available to all current students. Your Student Success Specialist will assist you in overcoming barriers that many students encounter during their academic career. Our goal is to help students be academically successful during their time at CVTC. If we determine that students need more resources we will provide them with a referral to appropriate community resources, including referrals to mental health counseling services.

  • Goal setting
  • Interpersonal issues
  • Success Plans
  • Community based referrals

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